I had a dream 2 nights ago (the dream was in color) that me and my wife were at a get together for some occasion inside of a building. The room we were in had a lot of people in it dressed semi formal. We were standing against a wall talking like everyone else when I notice we’re standing beside Mike Tyson. He turns around and looks at my wife. I immediately knew who he was. I could tell he was attracted to her by how he was looking at her. He leans in and kisses my wife. I think to myself there’s no way she kisses back. At first she doesn’t but then she did. After the kiss (which lasted 2 or 3 seconds) she starts smiling. I was shocked at what just happened. I get upset about it and look at Mike Tyson (knowing I’m standing before a very dangerous man but not caring because of my wife) and say don’t kiss her again, she’s married and I raised my hand and showed him my wedding ring. He said he kisses all of his girlfriends whenever he wants and then he turned around with his back to me. I then tapped him on the back and asked him if he had ever been in a situation where someone had pulled on his heart strings and no matter what he had to do something about it? That got his attention and he said yes. I said that’s what you just did by kissing her and I’m asking you man to man not to do it again. He looked at me like I was crazy for seeming so concerned but liked my boldness. He nodded and said ok. During my talk with Mike my wife went to the bathroom and when she came out she was wearing an orange dress (which she had been wearing the whole time) grinning ear to ear walking through the crowd. That was the end of the dream.
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