I was with my friends at the top of a hill. These are friends of mine who are married. One couple has a daughter named Esther. The other has a daughter named Grace. They are each under 2 years old.
I had Esther in one arm and Grace in another and I was making my way down the hill with them. As I walked down, I noticed that the pathway down the mountain/hill was much more rocky than I thought. There were small rocks and pebbles all over the path all the way down, with a sharp drop off to the side with no railing to hold onto. I could see the sun was going to set soon and that I wouldn’t make it to the bottom of the hill in time to see my way around the rocks. The light was fading and if I started off. . then by the time I was half way it would be too dark to navigate safely with the girls.
So I turned back. I needed to look for their parents or someone to help me get down the path safely.