All this was during the same night’s sleep:
I dreamed It was the night before my cheerleading competition and I realized I didnt know the routine. I was desperate to find a video of it so i could practice it but was trying to make sure my coach or team mates didnt know that I was unprepared. I finally texted the group asking if anyone’s mom had a video of a prior performance that I could watch. —— Dream stopped and new dream started—— I was inside a house, other people were there. There was a little boy, maybe 5 or 6 years old, coming to the door to share about his religion, we also new he was homeless. A man and some kids went out to talk to him near the street. I watched from the kitchen window. The man was getting angry at the boy because what he was saying about his religion was wrong. Then the boy began walking over to the window I was looking out from. I new he was possessed and began praying in the Spirit. I heard someone beside me mumbling/humming and i knew they were trying to praying in the Spirit because they were scared but it wasnt althentic. As the boy came close I started praying in the natural for his deliverence. He was a beauitful little boy with blond hair and icey blue eyes and he just stared at me and I stared back at him. He then came through the window. I drug him by the arm outside to the front yard and continued to pray for his deliverence. He then turned into a cute dark brown puppy laying on his back and I continued to pray. He then ran off into a drainage hole type thing. ——- First dream restarted—— My coach came to me and showed me the website to find the video of our routine. She said it was on the old website and I had been looking on the newer website.