I was in this room with a friend, and we were interviewing this Chinese guy who was a close associate with John Paul Jackson before JPJ passed away, but this guy looked like a skinny Chinese high school student.. I found out this guy had done a number of StreamMinistires courses like Art of Hearing God and Level 2 etc. And he was doing something very secretive with JPJ in researching some ground-breaking stuff for the benefits of the world, but no one knew about it. I saw animals like cats and dogs only had half of their bodies stuck on a Conncet-4 board, but they were still alive! This was something they were experimenting on, and I can't remember exactly what else they did, but they all sounded super advanced scientific things. I and My friend also got to watch this secret tape of JPJ and the Chinese kid of what they were doing. Now the Chinese kid became aggressive and violent all of the sudden like he had a mental issue, and he was outside of the room now. I and my friend tried to block these two doors which was laid horizontally on the ground and they had two locks, one up and one low. The upper lock was getting loosed because the Chinese kid was pushing hard there, and I could see he was about to create an gap there between the doors, so I told my friend to kick it back for the lock to be in place again. After awhile, the kid just settled down and walked away and we had some time to catch our breaths.
The scene changed to I and a couple of my friends which includes my friend in the interview room previously, and we were walking somewhere spacious under concrete but it was a bit dark like night time. I said to my friends to walk back as there is not paths for us anymore as ahead of us were lot of building concrete rubble although there was two paths to our right up ahead. My friends said we can take these two paths and I was like "Oh okay sure." Then we saw JPJ standing in front of rubble pile as if he was doing construction works there like a manager or director, and he smiled at us like he is on the Streams courses. We all did not say anything to him cause we were not sure if it was his spirit or what since we knew he has died already. My two friends greeted him and quickly walked to the path, and JPJ said to me "Isn't a wonderful worship season...." but he said it like he had not finished the full sentence, and I knew what he wanted to say so I completed to sentence for him "Yes! A season of awakening of worhsip!" JPJ grinned at me and I wish I could talk to him about the secret tape, then I got on my way onto this escalator going upward.