(Just a note that I have taken this dream with a grain of salt since it is about a wedding. I have had three dreams this year about weddings and this is the last one. Since this is a common and probably easily misinterpreted type of dream I am just giving it to the Lord. But I appreciate any insight anyone on this forum may have to help me in the interpretation. Blessings!)
I’m inside my new apartment where I currently live. I open the front door and instead of stepping into the hallway of my building - the door opens to the top of a grand staircase. The walls are beautiful decorated and the finishings are in gold and bronze. I’m wearing a wedding dress and go down the staircase. Everything is beautiful and bright. I know its a dream but I decide continue to see what’s happening.
At the bottom of the staircase I meet my mom. It’s my wedding. She shows me where to go but disappears to go do something.
The guests, the groom, the wedding party are all at the end of a long hall. The hall is full of light and decorated walls (like that ballroom in the movie The Sound of Music)
I’m met by a smiling man at the entrance to this hall. He offers me two small pouches, each with a ring(s) or gems inside (not sure which one). He tells me to pick one and see which is bigger. Choose the bigger and best one, he says.
As he’s talking to me I try to strain my neck to see who the groom is at the end of this hall. But I can’t see him. I can’t see from where I am over all the groomsmen’s shoulders who are standing in a group around him. The man talking to me suddenly goes away with the gems. Still, I’m trying to see who the groom's is wondering to myself why I don’t know who it is. But I decide to go along.
I begin walking toward the wedding party and the ceremony begins to start. The groom has disappeared and I’m standing next to what I realize is not the right groom (everyone in these scenes is stranger to me and I don’t know them). This groom is nice I think to myself. But as we’re walking down the aisle together, I look to him and say “You’re not my groom.” I begin to look where the other one went but can’t see him. This one is not the real one.
Very kindly I stop the ceremony and I hear someone say that the other man with the pouches knows where the real groom is. Now me and everyone in the room goes to look for him.