Dream from 17 Aug. 2020. I live or am staying in a room/s/place that is entered into via a long outside corridor /path which seems to have other rooms/places joined along it where others perhaps live. I first go in one door- like a small entry then my place is through the door on the right and a lady (unknown and not in the dream further I sense) who lives to the left. There´s a keyhole noticed to enter into the doors. Though the window blinds facing outside are down in my room I sense smoke (dont smell it) and see a reddish/orange colour coming through the blinds. I knew it was representing a fire coming and I go outside to investigate. I felt like I lived in New York but it looked nothing like NYC would and does look. I dont feel like I had a bra on (haha- every woman s fear in an emergency in the natural). I leave not recalling if I locked the doors behind me or took anything with me, maybe the key not sure. I turned left following the outside corridor/open to the sky verandah. There are people around, some from the other rooms I guess. I get to the end of the path/corridor and there´s now no sign of smoke and no red flames just a knowing a fire is coming towards this place. I look over the sky its just black. I start going back to my room, I thought I saw some people with flags from Australia. I might have asked them if they were Australian but I thought they were maybe Norwegians who had been in Australia. Im heading back to my room along this open corridor. There is a flood now in the street, some were swimming towards me. I also sensed they knew about this fire. I dont think it´s clean water, I dont think it was too deep. I dont remember being wet. I came in to my room, not sure if I used the keys to get in or what but...everything was stolen. I was so disheartened, so angry and fed up since this has happened so many times in my life in the natural. All my suitcases, food, mobile, credit cards were stolen etc. I thought I will go out again to the left to the reception (apparently there was one for the rooms). As Im leaving my room I saw on a short stool a white envelope from my friend Darcey. She had asked prior to this dream in the natural if my address was the same so it made sense in the dream. I sensed it said something like meet me outside or will meet you outside though I didnt open it yet. The dirty water seems to have gone now on the corridor/street. On the way to the reception running i met 1 or 2 unknown no faced ladies. I asked one if she spoke english and even though she spoke fluently she said no, but I politely said you do speak it perfectly and hope it gave her confidence. She comforted me on the sofa as I was crying. Then I come to the unknown no faced receptionist, starting to explain things, the break-in. I open the card with her and see its clearly not Darceys writing . I look at the top and theres clues it could be boys handwriting theres norwegian words in rows at the top then pictures of unclean/impure things. Then I said to the receptionist this is not from my friend Darcey as she is an encourager as she was also implying this. Then I was thinking how did this envelope get into my room. The receptionist was trying to tell me this was a clue. This is from the ones who stole. Before i went to the reception i must have first gone to the right out my door and noticed all these cool boutiques and beauty salon spa. I didnt know these were there, I should check these out one day I thought. There was an info board wall at the end/ notices. some kind of prints indicating Australia in some way. koala. abstract. I thought when in the reception the receptionist saying something about an australian/irish owner and thinking maybe she´ll give me a free makeover facial massage etc fix me up. thanks and sorry its long.
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