Hey All
It's been a while so I thought I'd plug a 2021 dream into the dream machine.
A young woman lived with her family. Her parents and siblings were all poor but very skilled at tilling the field and producing a harvest.
One day the young woman was kidnapped and taken to a very wealthy village. The houses were tall and well built. As the dreamer, I had a sense that the people who lived in this village although rich, were also religious (the practice of man-made rules)
The poor woman was seated at a table. to her left three women and to her right three men. they sat a discussed what purpose this poor woman would have in their village.
They noted that she wasn't extraordinary in looks, but rather plain-looking. As they spoke The poor woman noticed a very handsome young man whom she desired to marry. Noting her desire the people around her dismissed the idea of her marrying the young man and instead, she was to be wed to the fat old man sitting across the table.
The poor woman, arrived at the rich old man's house, were cascading rainbows come out as pillars from the front door - she was stopped at the entrance
Old man " I hear your family are skill is tilling the field and producing crops, So that's what you'll do here. Till my field and produce a crop"
5 years went by and the woman had turned the field into a luxurious and bountiful place, massive oranges hung from the trees, even the steps leading to the house were covered in the healthy mulch that he would turn over consistently
It was now dusk, The day had cooled and the atmosphere has shifted once again
No one could see him, but all knew that the heavenly father was calling
She stopped tilling the field and walked out onto a hill where others began to follow
The handsome man approached the women
" Why are you still here? You can leave.. you no longer need to work for that old man, you are free"
Her heart still desired the handsome man to follower her back to her family but knew it would be too difficult for him to let go of his riches.