I was in an old basic train in India with many other people in it. I seemed to have become pally with the others and was speaking with the fellow passengers who were very warm to me. I then had to get off at a station where the train stopped briefly and bid farewell to them. Just then the train started moving again and accelerated very quickly. I made an almost dangerous step out of the train into the station as it accelerated. Though I moved against the train direction, I was completely safe and stood on my feet without even a hint of falling off (when you move out of a moving vehicle, we should actually step out in the direction of travel to not fall off)
I was walking out of the station and there seemed to be 2 more friends with me (do not remember who they are). I was in the train station building and my friend and I was stopping by to wash his hands or something like that. The wash basin was in an inefficient setup. Was an open room (walls on 3 sides and one side completely open) like place with the wash basin / tap near the open wall area. This whole room kind of place was vividly blue in colour. There was also a train station security guard to whom I mentioned this is inefficient - also that my father in law also gave the same feedback.
We stepped out and saw some people sitting. There was a large mangle tree with a lot of mangoes on it. It was unusual as usually people will pluck the mangoes but this had mangoes or all types (ripe and not ripe ones). My friends were walking ahead and I slowed to pluck a very ripe (yellow and almost too ripe) mango. Found it a bit difficult to pluck it out in the first instance (did not make much effort but only as if plucking a flower). As it did not come out we all moved on as my friends were not too keen to wait or pluck this. Other people were just watching.