I was at an event with my husband. At registration, I wrote my answer to a question on a nice pearly/shimmery book only to realise that it's their display reference book so erased it off. Some Japanese words were on the book and the organisers were standing up, bowing to greet and welcome the other guests. And I thought, the Japanese are too polite to tell me it's a display book.
We entered the event venue on a balcony level which opens up to a very large open space that looks like the grounds of Disneyland park (without the castles etc.). There were lots of people everywhere. Seems to have a sense of anticipation and excitement.
There was an airshow going on as we walk through the park, people laid picnic mats right on the walking paths just to catch the aerobatics/stunt flying display. As we keep walking, I felt strange/amazed by how they flew at 90 degrees, upwards or downwards climb. They were vintage looking propeller planes and their rusty red rounded vertical stabilisers of the plane caught my eye, some with a swiss cross, which reminded me of Switzerland while others had stripes. The planes were near, but there were no loud sounds, just like a normal walk in the park with aerial display.
When it's time to head out with the rest of the crowd. My husband had a bicycle with him and he asked me to walk while he rode. Since it was quite a distance away to the entrance/exit where we came, I asked him, why didn't you suggest me to ride and he walked instead? Since the park is closing, I just started brisk walking. I didn't see my husband but I knew he was behind me and will not be able to ride anyway since the park was so crowded.