I recently had a dream of length, but I will summarize some parts so that I can obtain some assistance with interpretation.
I was in an unfamiliar home watching a family member hold a male baby about 10 months old that I noticed was sick/lethargic. I took the baby who I noticed had a fever and held him over a trash to vomit. I noticed a man coming in the room an automatically knew he meant to harm the child. I took the child downstairs to basement and closed the very tall door that was at the bottom of stairs (not at top of stairs as custom) another strange thing about the door is that it had a huge statue of Annubis in the front and I locked the door from the inside.
I immediately went to a room like an attic with old furniture as I hid a large jewel/necklace behind some furniture, then cared for the child covering him in a ragged red towel as I sat looking out of a window to a street with traffic light, cars on a bright sunny day. A boy of about 12 years old in 18th century appeared looking at the child I engaged him in conversation to distract him from child to whom he appeared to have interest. Suddenly, he was gone and I could hear my mother and father call me, and I as answered back, I could see they were walking with the man that wanted to harm the child. I could see them, but they could only hear me as they walked through the basement looking for me.
I wonder how I am going to get the baby out as I see a woman (small Asian) that leaves backwards out of the window in front of me; however, as soon as she was became so weak that she could not move. I think how will I get us out without losing strength.