I dreamed I was in some sort of building but the inside looked like a church sanctuary. Inside were several women I didn't know. Outside were thuggish men trying to get in. One did get in. He was old, 70-80. He grabbed the younger woman and threw her down on the floor in between some pews. She fought back but he pinned her down, unzipped his pants and began raping her. The other women did nothing to help her. They stood around unfazed and could care less. I ran over to the old man and kicked him in the head. He fell off the young woman. I kicked him several more times and dragged him out of the building. I was outraged at the other women. I could not believe they just casually stood around and did nothing while this woman was being raped. I yelled at them and made all of them go downstairs. I told them because they were so careless and uncaring about the woman when she was being attacked they were going to get a dose of their own medicine. I opened up the door and allow the other thuggish men who were lurking around outside to come in. I told the man that they can have their way with the women. The men immediately began to grab the women and began sexually assaulting them. After it was over the women came upstairs and one of them said to me I can't believe you would allow your own mother to be attacked. For a minute or two I was numb & shocked because I would never allow anyone to attack my mother. After minute the woman who was supposed to be my mother kept telling me I can't believe you allowed a man to attack me. I said wait a second you're not my mother. The woman didn't look anything like my mother in any shape form or fashion. Once realized I actually did not allow my mother to be attacked, I breathed a sigh of relief and the dream ended.
I dreamed I was in some sort of building but the inside looked like a church sanctuary. Inside were several women I didn't know. Outside were thuggish men trying to get in. One did get in. He was old, 70-80. He grabbed the younger woman and threw her down on the floor in between some pews. She fought back but he pinned her down, unzipped his pants and began raping her. The other women did nothing to help her. They stood around unfazed and could care less. I ran over to the old man and kicked him in the head. He fell off the young woman. I kicked him several more times and dragged him out of the building. I was outraged at the other women. I could not believe they just casually stood around and did nothing while this woman was being raped. I yelled at them and made all of them go downstairs. I told them because they were so careless and uncaring about the woman when she was being attacked they were going to get a dose of their own medicine. I opened up the door and allow the other thuggish men who were lurking around outside to come in. I told the man that they can have their way with the women. The men immediately began to grab the women and began sexually assaulting them. After it was over the women came upstairs and one of them said to me I can't believe you would allow your own mother to be attacked. For a minute or two I was numb & shocked because I would never allow anyone to attack my mother. After minute the woman who was supposed to be my mother kept telling me I can't believe you allowed a man to attack me. I said wait a second you're not my mother. The woman didn't look anything like my mother in any shape form or fashion. Once realized I actually did not allow my mother to be attacked, I breathed a sigh of relief and the dream ended.