I just realized I posted this dream in the symbols forum by mistake so I am reposting it here.
In my dream I was going into labor, I remember thinking "our daughter will be premature" (since im currently 5months pregnant) yet i was not worried. When it came time to push i became afraid because of the pain when suddenly the doctor said "you can do this you got your first child out in 7 pushes" i was surprised and said "did i?" then i thought to myself "wait i thought this was my first child?" then the birthing began and i shortly had birthed a normal, healthy , non premature baby girl. My husband handed her to me and we both were excited, then i noticed her hair it was all black except for on the very top it was like a crown of blonde hair. I asked my husband if he saw it too and he said yes and we both were amazed. I gave her back to him when suddenly i started having contractions again and told the doctor i think there was another baby. I was utterly shocked but sure enough birthed a baby boy. They did not allow me or my husband to hold him right away like the little girl. The doctors left and I looked down and saw i was all bloody from the birth and the sheets were dirty and i could actually smell the blood in my dream. I asked for the doctors to come clean me but they didnt. Suddenly i was clean i was holding the baby boy whom I never called a name, and went and laid him next to his sister whom i had called Mary. I kept referring to her as Mary and remember thinking briefly, "that is not the name we had picked." The dream ended with me taking the baby boy to another room and saying "i'll come back for Mary" but i awoke before i returned to get her.