I'm teaching in a military school, on a military base. Anita Hensley (long time friend) is there as well, teaching. The conditions in the school were really bad. The place was dirty, like teaching in a ghetto school. The bathrooms were really, really dirty. At some point in the dream, this big black guy came and he would extort us for money or drugs and he would grab me by the neck and put a screwdriver there and threaten to kill me if I didn't give him what he wanted; I don't know what it was he wanted. I complied and gave him what ever he wanted.
Next scene:
I'm in the bathroom; horribly dirty and I'm trying to do my business and it's a mess. Poop is all over me. My poop and every one else's; like diarrhea.
The fire alarm goes off in the school and they tell us "Everyone has to evacuate. Everyone has to evacuate-the fire bombers are coming! (where they drop water from aircrafts) You have to get out!"
I didn't. I said "I'm not leaving until I finish!" I finished and I cleaned myself afterward. I don't know how I did it because there was poop everywhere in this place. But somehow I was able to clean myself; I got rid of the dirty underwear and I came out clean. The bathroom was filthy, but I was clean.
Next scene:
I had heard that Anita Hensley was killed. I don't know if it was the same black guy but working in the ghetto, who knows. I had such a sense of loss. So the black guy; big, fat, menacing; he comes again and tries to put the knife to my neck and I turn the tables and put the knife to his neck. He says, "No, you're not going to do it." I said, " You betcha I'm going to do it". And I meant it.
I was just ready to thrust the knife into his neck and the dream ended.