Scene 1
I was giving a lift to a spin instructor (Jolyn). She was my friend in my dream but I don’t know her personally in real life. I had dropped one friend off at Train Station A and the next stop was Jolyn’s. I was trying to figure out the directions to get her to her train station. For some reason, it took me very long to figure out the directions even though in real life, I’m super familiar with the route. I didn’t feel confident and felt uncertain. After a while, it started to rain and we decided that it’d be faster for her to take the train down to her station since it was only one stop away and traffic would be heavier in the rain. She took the train and I walked back to my car. I recognised some familiar landmarks along the road now. I felt bad that I didn't manage to give her a lift as I had now figured the route out and it was actually really simple but for some reason it had been clouded from my view earlier.
Scene 2
I had parked my car at a car park. Because I was in a rush and excited to move on, I thought to leave my car unlocked with my bag in it, thinking it was safe and no one would take my things. But I thought the better of it and returned to lock the car. I retrieved the car key from the front pocket of my bag which I had left in the back seat. I also took my wallet and mobile out before locking the car.
When I got back to my car (it looked like a black Bentley), I arrived just in the nick of time to see a lady moving my car away. In my dream, she was outside the car and walking beside it. She was manually moving the car by grabbing hold of the steering wheel through the front window seat, using the steering wheel to move the car as she walked alongside it. I was incensed when I saw it because I was just about to reach my car when I saw her move it away. I didn’t know her, and she hadn’t asked for my permission beforehand. I was also worried that she might have damaged the brakes while moving the car. I called out after her and managed to track her down to a church building.
When I confronted her, she denied it and didn’t want to own up. She walked away but I managed to ask her church people to bring me to where she was. I remember she was wearing a light purple denim skirt down to her calves and that was how I described her to them. They brought me to the church office where we had a discussion and I explained what she had done. After I got done, I had an overlapping vision where I saw an insurance car report tallying the list of items that needed to be checked for possible damage. It didn't seem like there was a lot of serious damage, maybe just one item on the list that needed further attention. I realised that I should have checked the list earlier before confronting her to see what actual possible damage there might have been. Because if there was minimal or no damage, I would have been prepared to just let it go and forget about the whole incident rather than escalating it to the church staff in the office.
Scene 3
I was now with my good friend, Selina, in the building. We were chatting and I looked down at my thighs and realised there were these “boils” or little bumps in clusters all over on my thighs. Upon closer look at one patch, they looked like elongated pink nodes. Under a magnifying glass I could see this particular depression area in my thigh with two emerging nodes but plenty more that were growing within. I felt horrified and disgusted and rejected that in the dream. I wonder if it's partly why I didn’t remember this dream at first upon waking up. I had to consciously go back and try to “retrieve” the dream when I usually remember my dreams upon waking up.
Scene 4
Selina and I took a lift down to get into another building. The lift opened up to landing that hovered maybe about 1-2 metres above the ground. It was attached to the wall with some hinges, but it wasn't very stable. Selina jumped down with ease but I had some difficulty and asked for help in how to get down from this landing. At first, she thought I was asking how to enter the next building we were going to. She had an access card to gain access but I didn’t. She felt embarrassed for leading us this way when she realised I didn't have a card to get into this building. Anyway, I managed to jump down from the platform to the ground and had to fold the platform back up because it was bending down after I jumped off it.
Scene 5
I can’t remember if this scene occurred at the start or end of the sequence from Scene 1-4 which are in order.
I dreamt I was in older sister’s childhood bedroom with my friend, Vivian, and a bunch of other ladies. We were gathering to celebrate something and it felt Vivian was the host. I had thought of getting Vivian a gift at first or wanted to buy a pretty paper or tote bag before the gathering but it turned out that Vivian had gotten them as gifts for everyone. I was floored because I really liked the bag and had had my eye on it. I really didn’t expect to see it at the gathering or as a gift from her to everyone. There was another gift (a yellow object) that I bundled together with the bag. I thanked her effusively and was gushing about it.