I was in the ocean a few 100 yards off shore, there was alot of people in there and there was waves making it hard to swim. the water was really deep. the wave didn't sink me but it was hard to manage with it there.i think the wave was wanting to sink me by pulling me in and taking me to the top then slamming me, these were very large waves. then I suddenly figured out that the water in front of the wave sucked into the wave as the wave moved kind of like how the water recedes on land as a wave moves in torward shore. as the water moved in I allowed it to take me than at the last moment after I was sucked into the wave I found myself on top of it instead of it slamming me I swam the other way and was safe. so I basically made it over the wave. (the wave never sucked me in and submerged me it sucked me in and I rode the surface be of the water to the top so I was waist deep the whole time)
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