Over the past few weeks I have had 3 dreams that I got into a car wreck. The first I saw I believe was 3 people on the side of the road and I think I avoided hitting them. The second dream I swerved to the left where I collided with black what looked like a black dodge charger. The third one started out differently with me in a store and the lights went out and it was pitch black. They flickered back on then it was bright then off again. I kept pulling who I was with, I think my mom, to the door, than the lights went off again. I believe this occurred 3 times. Then we made it outside and ended up in the back of black SUV that was missing the glass and walls it drove really fast and I literally was all over the vehicle flying everywhere. I don't know what car i was in but I know i was in a car wreck and I had cut on my forehead. Then went into my current employer but a different building than I work in now across the state and told them I couldn't work because I was in a car wreck. What does this mean?
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