It's been quite a long time I've had such a vivid dream. I had a dream that me and my husband quietly left our families to step away without telling them to a pier with water. One second I'm looking at vivid ocean water and the next second I "wake up" in the dream to what looked like the end of the Pacific ocean. (I know there's no end in real life.) but it looked like a walk. I was panicking asking how did we get here. They told us the pier we were standing on wasn't a pier it was a ship and when we doze off it took off for sail but we never got to see the sail.
People were informing me were in California.
All of a sudden the direction of the dream turned and I could see we were headed back south (meaning I could see behind us) as to where before the view of the dream I could see everything north. We were trying as quickly as we could to get back. We were stepping in dark murky scary ocean water that was about a foot deep. I was holding my Apple Mac computer and dropped it in the water. I was flipping out to Blake begging him to get my computer as we were stepping on straight wood type logs which helped us get over the murky water. He picked up two on his side, and I tried to pick up mine but i felt so much fear and a scary static electrical shock. I grabbed the computer anyways. It was filled with hundred of peoples computers.
We made it to the dock to look to see if we grabbed it. I was met by my in laws and seen we grabbed other people's computer and not mine. I sobbed in disappointment.
*in this dream I felt scared and extremely sad.
*the color that stood out to me was dark blue
* also to note it just hit me, why in the world was I in California? I looked up what ocean surrounds it! Wow I honestly had no idea, which may be silly to some but we did that stuff in 4th grade and I completely forgot.