**i am currently pregnant, I know some dreams can be pregnancy dreams so I thought it was important to note that**
I had this dream about 2 nights ago. It started with me talking to my sister in law Julie who’s pregnant and asking her what she was naming the baby. She made a comment about being more concerned about her and my brother in laws different religious views. this scene took place at what looked like a pumpkin patch and she was on a swing. Then the scene shifted I was in the hospital and was really confused, my vision was a little blurry like I was waking after being sedated or something. I saw my husband Alonzo walk in the room , he smiled at me. Then suddenly a baby was wheeled into the room by a nurse. I knew it was our daughter Sienna but was confused because I couldnt remember giving birth. I looked at my husband and asked when I had her and why I couldn’t remember. He said I’d just had her recently but said he didn’t know the exact time I had her. I was really concerned and frantic because I had no memory of laboring or delivering her. my husband and I bathed her because she was still a little dirty, she had pooped while we were bathing her and we giggled about it. When I held her and looked at her i was so in love but couldn’t get over the fact I couldn’t remember having her. I noticed my mom was in the room so I asked if she knew when I’d had her. She ignored me and had an attitude, which made me mad And I wondered why she was even there in the first place. I called for a nurse to come in and asked when Id had the baby and why I couldnt remember. She showed me a piece of paper that had a time and her weight . The nurse had said she was 9lbs but the paper said something like “10lbs 4 oz“ I think & the time she was born said 7:15a but I was confused because it was 9 something pm when I looked at my phone and I was worried why they brought her in so late if I’d had her that morning. The nurse said i was only given meds during the labor : fentanyl, an epidural, and prednisone. the dream ended with me texting my mother in law that that baby was born and she could come visit.
the dream was dull in color and I was really worried about my memory, but was so in love with my baby. when I woke from the dream I was confused about why I couldn’t remember having her, why my mom was there, but my heart felt so full having seen my baby’s precious face, my main feeling was love and happiness having seen the baby.