I was watching myself watching myself. How confusing is that? 2 observers and one person acting.
The person (myself 1) acting was standing at a table with a round globe. The globe flattened out into a large map sitting on the desk. The map showed continents and oceans, but not countries. All 3 of my selves could see that and recognized that.
The person (1) standing at the table was watching lights of different colors, vibrant lights, almost like strobe lights – they lit up individual countries. Some countries were the same colors and would light up at the same time. Then they would go off and other countries would light up. They didn’t all have matching colors to another country but some of the countries did match in color, and sometimes multiple colors would light up at the same time. The person observing (myself 2)could tell that the active person in the dream understood what she was watching. That she understood the patterns, the lights, knew details about the countries, knew what was going on, and she knew what to do. The observer (2) didn’t know any of those things and didn’t know what was supposed to be done.
And myself outside of the dream looking in (me 3), while dreaming, wondered why there were 2 layers of me. One that was watching and didn’t understand, and one that was active and completely understood what was happening and what she was supposed to be doing about it.
I woke with a start and with a sense of, what was that? What was I doing at that table? How did I learn what I clearly knew?