Had a dream I was in a meeting, and the speaker was praying for people. My wife and I moved over to the Left hand side of the line, and the man praying came straight over to me.
As soon as the man touched me I doubled over.
He asked "Did you feel that?"
I couldn't speak.
He said...
"You can see in the Spirit!
You can see in the Spirit!
You can see in the Spirit!"
As he told me this, I collapsed under the power and started to weep, that God had heard my prayer, asking Him to let me see in the Spirit.
In front of me on the floor, were several keys of different sizes and shapes. He told me...
"Look at the other side of the keys."
I felt like I was not to pick them up and turn them over, but to look "THROUGH" them, and try to see the other side. I couldn't see the other side. He then said...
"Here is my key, look at it."
He laid it down in front of me, I couldn't see thru it either.
I realized the man praying for me, was a Christian I work with, named Mark. (Who I doubt believes in the gifts of the Spirit)
I ask him, "Mark, how do I practice?"
He didn't answer me.
(That's all I remember.)