My husband never remembers his dreams when he awakes however there have been several occasions where after I am done praying or reading my bible while he is sleep he will begin to talk in his sleep to me. He often looks awake but I can always tell he is still sleeping. When he talks I usually try to ask as many questions as I can to get an idea of what he is dreaming about but he usually just gives me bits and pieces or he will say one thing that gets my attention and when i ask a follow up question he will laugh or say i dont know and fall back into a deep sleep. He never remembers talking to me in his sleep the next morning or his dream even if i tell him what he said to me. Could there be some significance to him “waking” and trying to talk to me in his sleep? I am unsure if i should continue to try and listen and get details from him or just ignore it since i never seem to get much from him.
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