I've had repeated dreams involving our chicken coop or chickens. One dream, there was an anaconda or python (very large snake) seemingly asleep in our Run and a smaller snake in the henhouse and I was trying to figure out how to get our chicken out alive and unharmed.
Another dream, our chicken coop was built in to the back of our fence in the backyard and was the span of the yard.
In another, our chicken coop is mobile and I found our rooster asleep in snow though at first I thought he was dead, but thankfully only sleeping. I needed my husband to quickly assemble the coop so our chickens weren't wandering.
And another, our chicken coop was totally devastated like a tornado flattened it. I ran out thinking the chickens were killed but found seven chicks unharmed and brought them in to my dad's house. I ran back out to find more, but 2 hawks were circling overhead. I flew like a hawk and fought them like a hawk and tried to gather the other chicks. Later I saw the hawks sitting on a rock and they changed their form into raccoons.