Theater for plays. In a couple of dreams I am helping another person write a script for a play. Specifically, one dream I had to intercede for someone's script to be approved before it could be performed in a theater. In another dream, I had to help the director write a script while he was away. Also, I had a dream that I worked in a theater (this time move theater) and I wanted to get my check from my boss. I actually just remembered I worked at this thetaer when a friend of mine said she was going to get her check from her boss whom she adored. I then realized I hadn't been to work in a while. I decided I wanted to see if I could still get a check and if I still worked there. I hoped that my boss was not upset with me. I interpreted that the "check" was actually a heart check from God.
In summary, I would like to know what the symbols — theaters (for plays) and scripts — represent.