When it comes to remembering your dreams, one of the most important things that you can do is to write it down. Keeping a journal of your dreams not only provides a ready reference to help you remember them, but it actually is a strong indication that you value the dreams you have received. When viewed from a spiritual perspective, showing that we value what we hear goes a long way in helping us to continue to hear and in increasing our ability to hear. Recording our dreams also provides us a wonderful way to keep track of the vale they have when the interpretation comes to pass.
Daniel, one of the most famous dream interpreters of all time, was known for writing down his dreams. Daniel 7:1 clearly indicates that when Daniel had a dream, he wrote it down. The most common challenge faced when it comes to recording our dreams is the fact that most of them occur in the middle of the night, while we are sleeping. Whether we simply don't want to wake up enough to write them during the evening or can't remember them well enough to recount them when we arise in the morning, keeping a dream journal can be a difficult task. Another challenge associated with recording our dreams arises from the fact that many people believe that in order to do it properly they must record every fact in precise detail so that they don't miss anything important. If this is the approach that you have been taking, then it is no wonder that it seems hard to wake up enough to get it done. Take a hint from Daniel - Daniel 7:1 (NKJV) goes on to say that " . . . he wrote down the dream, telling the main facts." Other translations indicate that he recorded a summary of his dream. This can be a huge help in overcoming the first hurdle associated with beginning to journal your dreams.
Let's face it, dreamers are a diverse group of people and those who value their dreams the most are often very creative and even artistic. This doesn't mean that the more logical personality can't recognize the value of their dreams, it just means that they are often more comfortable with the traditional method of logically writing them down in a very linear process. Starting at the top of a blank page and writing complete sentences detailing the summary of a dream we just experienced does not always provide the best way for a dream to be recorded. So what's the creative/artistic individual to do? Come up with creative and even artistic ways to record their dreams. No matter how we record our dreams, finding the method that lets you become comfortable putting pen to paper and displaying the value of what you are hearing and seeing is essential.
Outside of the linear method of dream recording, let me suggest just a few other ideas to get your thought process flowing and stimulate the creative process that may work for you as you seek to begin the process of keeping a "Dream Journal". Even if you are a more logical/linear thinker, try some of these methods and see if they help to unlock that creative side of your brain and help draw more out of your dream life. These more subjective methods of recording your dream may be just what you need:
The Cluster Method
This method of recording probably creates the most focus on the main facts of any method. It is short and to the point, writing down only the truly main facts: focus, sub-focus and the most important details. This shortcut process helps you remember the whole dream by providing a flow chart that can be reviewed and prompt your memory of the dream as a whole.

Story Diagram Method
Similar to the Cluster Method this recording tool also places its emphasis primarily on those main facts alone. If you recall (without too much pain) diagramming sentences in school, then this method should be somewhat familiar.

Spiral Method
The Spiral Method of recording is one of those creative ways of writing out a summary of your dream. This involves moving outside of the linear box and letting your written summary wander over the page in creating various designs/patterns as you write. The most common method is to write in a spiral pattern, but any pattern that suits your taste would be equally effective.

Intuitive Method
The Intuitive Method is perhaps one of the most creative ways of recording your dreams. This method involves taking the initiative and using means other than words to put the dream on paper. This can include using colors, patterns, drawings, collections of photos and other means to stimulate the memory of what the dream conveyed. Think beyond the example below to explore what creative methods spark your imagination and memory.