(I didn't give the real names of the churches just in case. This is from a few weeks ago)
I went to church A and asked the pastor which song was playing. He gave me some weird name and I tried to find it but I couldn't. Then I went to church B but it looked more like a hardware store. I was introduced to 2 black men who wanted plants. I talked to them about what I can get as we looked at flowers for sale at the store/ church. All that time my mother was waiting on me and irritated. She wanted to go to lunch (tacos). I found my dad and he took me to a house in a champagne buick then it turned into a sheriff car in front of the house. The house next door was under construction and I thought it was odd workers were there on Sunday. My dad was concerned we would get in trouble for being there, but a sheriff came out of the house saying it would be fine.