I had this dream this past weekend:
I was driving down the highway in my car. It was a sunny day. As I was driving, a bright blue butterfly passed in front of my car. I smiled and thought it was interesting. Then, I began to see multiple butterflies passing in front of my car as I drove (two at a time, then one, then another). Many were yellow and some were blue like the first one. I began to count them out loud in the dream and was having fun counting (1, 2, 3, 4. . .) I counted a total of 21 butterflies.
(This is a very compelling and powerful dream for me in particular. I am not a "butterfly person" or someone who is into butterflies, does that make sense? :) However, for the last 12 months, I have been seeing butterflies (Monarchs, white and yellow ones) pass in front of me while I'm walking or driving in real life. I've never had a dream with them, but it has almost become repetitive/common place to see them during the day when I'm at work or driving to my house. So even in the dream, I was enjoying the experience because I thought it was real life and was surprised to see them in a sleeping dream.)