This is my son, Jake's dream. He is 14.
I went to New York with my youth group. When we got there, I walked into a building and saw mom. She was wearing a yellow shirt. She gave me a yellow shirt also. Mom guided me through the building to a bathroom. Inside was an elevator. It had red doors and then yellow doors on the inside. Mom had instructions on how to open the elevator doors but couldn’t do it. I automatically knew to go to the yellow hand air dryer and push it. We got in and there were people in it from other floors. One man had on a red and white striped shirt. He was going to the "red" floor. If anyone without a yellow shirt on tried to get off the elevator on the yellow floor, a strong force wouldn’t let them. While we were waiting in the lobby for the rest of the youth group, I saw a friend from school that had on a green shirt and blue athletic pants. He said that he would be my friend when I got to the 7th grade - but I'm already in 8th grade so that didn't make any sense to me. Then the youth group starting coming down. My grandmother was with them. They all had yellow on. The lights went out and black lights came on and they started glowing. I realized that everyone had a paper to get into the party but my mom and I didn’t have one. My Nana had 2 extras but one had my sisters name on it (who wasn’t on this floor). I took the one that had abby's name on it and was trying to write my name over it when I woke up.