My husband and I are at a meeting in what appears to be a conference/cafeteria type room. There is a man sitting at the end of one of the long tables. We realize he is the Pastor of the University of Alabama.( We are from Tuscaloosa). He is an older man, seasoned. I realize he and others around him have taken up an offering of 5 million dollars to give to a young pastor friend of ours and his new church. I think " 5 MILLION that should be going to Mr. Britt and Mrs. Audrey !" ( They are head of a training organization based out of Austin TX.) I begin to want to help them get that money some how. We sit down with the Pastor, and I realize we are Pastors. He asks us " Are you all ordained Pastors or just recognized as Pastors." I reply " Chris you can answer that." My husband Chris replies " Well we are all ministers....". He said it trying to stress the point that formal training or not we are all called to minister. I am now leaving the school and all of these students are trying to make it in before curfew, 10:00 pm. We are walking down a big hallway that splits like a fork. The students go to the right and I go to the left. There is a man especially assigned to let us out at exit 4. He was mixed or Hawaiian looking. I enter a parking lot where the sun is rising. A lot of purplish pink hues. I look healthy, youthful, and vibrant. I am wearing a white linen dress that is somewhat short. It makes me self conscious when I move around. I walk toward a car that is mine ( not in real life). Its a red compact type car ( For fiesta like). Marcus ( Missionary friend) walks up next to me. He is there to help me pack up my car. I notice my husband has dropped off my luggage in an empty parking space rt next to the car. I wonder about this but realize he needed our van to transport our four children. We begin loading up the car, but I remain self conscious about my dress and not wanting to be a distraction. The car is cluttered inside as well, also bothering me. A gentlemen pulls up in an old dusty blue truck. He is wearing dusty blue overalls and I know he is up to no good. He proceeds to get out of his truck and ride a pig with horns along the sidewalk. Some of his friends wrestle the pig to the ground . I am standing watching this happen and the dream ends.
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Dreams posted to the forum will be interpreted by students. They will likely accumulate during breaks between classes, so please keep this in mind. Remember most interpretations are provided by students and they are learning what they are doing. Moderators will often have more seasoned interpretations when they do comment on a dream. A moderator often responds to Level 1 student interpretations and comments when necessary for Level 2 students. Level 3 students will post interpretations as student moderators.
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