I had a dream my son Benjamin and I were in the desert. My son saw a rabbit jump into its hole so he went after it. He got stuck in the hole hanging half way out so I grabbed him by the legs and pulled. As I pulled he suddenly became free and I fell backwards landing on my bottom. I looked up and the force of pulling my son out of the hole resulted in snakes flying out of the hole as well. The snakes landed next to me. There were three on each side of me (total of 6) and they were perfectly aligned in a row and laying on their sides. The snakes were very short and white with small black triangles on them. They all began to hiss and rattle at me as if getting ready to attack but as time went on they never did attack and I just sat there staying still contemplating whether to get up or not .
In the dream I wasn’t really afraid of the snakes, I was more curious