My Husband and I are in a Dollar General type store where a service is being held. A missionary family ( Black and White Family) that we know are helping. We are wandering around praying and their oldest son Josiah calls us up to pray for his brother after the service. He had been hurt in an accident.
We are now in a classroom. One of our Pastor Friends named David is teaching some dance moves . I understand them but can't physically perform them well, Im struggling to execute them. Pastor then says " No no no wait a minute I know!" He calls my husband up to the front. He wants him to act out a part of the song that is being rapped. My husband gets on the small platform ( where a pulpit or wooden podium is in front of him.) Pastor David has him face his back to the class. When he does my husband is in a black and white suit. He points his finger in the air and says the line " I have a Dream". I know this line is referring to Martin Luther Kings speech. It gets very quiet and everyone is very moved. My husband turns around to face the class and is now in his normal work clothes ( The ones he actually wears.) He looks tired, with bags under his eyes. He begins to express how we should never exclude something from impacting us because that song would not have been his first choice but it impacted him in a big way. I say to a girl named Destiny sitting next to me " We've lived in Texas and we know what it feels like to be the minority." She shakes her head like she understands.
We are now in a car with My dad. We drive by a home that is ours and I see a HUGE black and white snake in the front yard. I tell my dad to turn around so we can go back to get the snake before it gets in. We enter the Master bathroom and a white snake with small black stripes, and a black snake with small white stripes are on the floor! We go into the bedroom and right next to our bed is the HUGE snake. My mom is on the floor sitting next to it. My Dad assesses where the snake is and pulls my mom to safety. He's going to take care of the snake.