I was in a foreign country (had the impression that it was somewhere in California) and heard there was a battle/war going on in the countryside. I was at a shopping mall and people in the mall didn’t seemed concerned about the war. When I looked down I saw a man lying down on the ground on the street and he seemed to be unconscious, and another man was trying to help, while other people on the street just looked on. A while later I looked again, and the man was still lying there, but the other man who was helping him was no longer there. Other people ignored him and no one helped him.
My dad, my brother and I decided to fight the battle. We were alone and not in the shopping mall anymore. My brother put on an armour, and my dad asked if he was feeling alright / in good health. Then my brother started feeling sick. I laid hands on him and began praying “Spirit of infirmity, leave him in Jesus’ name.” I prayed some more saying things along the lines of Christ died for him, only the Holy Spirit dwells in him, and every evil spirit has to leave. As I was praying, my brother began shaking as if the evil spirits in him were manifesting. He fell on the ground and I saw a very bright figure by his side. The figure was wearing a tunic and a sash, but all his clothing was white. I couldn’t see his face, but assumed it was the lord Jesus. I then said, “Oh lord let me see your face.” And then I fell asleep.
When I woke up, I was in front of a large crowd of people. My brother and my dad were no longer there. I asked people around me what the battle was like then, and saw that many people were driving out of the city and escaping. Then I began sharing my experience with the crowd. But at first I wasn’t talking about the vision I saw or the prayer I prayed over my brother. I was talking about something completely irrelevant, such as how in Hong Kong everything is within two hours away on a train ride. People didn’t seem interested in what I was talking about. A while later I said, “I saw a vision of Jesus. I was casting our demons.” But the people still didn’t seem interested. Then I began praying and casting out evil spirits among the crowd, but this time I did it in Cantonese. And some of the people began shaking. I prayed more and commanded the evil spirits to leave.