I had this dream about two years ago.Truthfully this has bordered me up to this day! I have never actually seen any interpretation regarding "saliva".. Brace yourself, I think it is gross. I really don't want to offend anyone..Thanks
I am in a room (which the set up reminds me of a room I shared with my grandmother when visiting her when I was 16 yrs old). In the room, I am sitting on this bed. As I looked over towards the far right corner of the room, there is this woman, she is dressed in white, but very traditional style(African style, hair wrapped). She is holding a very large bowl and is stirring in the bowl with some utensil. As I looked I knew what she was stirring, it was saliva that belongs to many people. I began shouting out to her, no, no, no, because I knew she was going to have me drink it. The woman was faceless. When I kept on saying no, the woman responded in my mum's commanding voice(as in the natural. when my mother uses that tone you CANNOT not comply), you must drink this or else.. she then approached me and poured the mixture into my mouth. After she did that, I laid face down on the bed, as my mouth was filled. I remember a trickle came out of my mouth..I saw the woman's legs as she walked out of the room(African descent) ..I woke up out of the dream.. I don't remember swallowing..