I am in an institution waiting to get married to Samuel. I am so excited about what i am about to experience. Samuel however refuses to marry me. He does not show up at the institution. I am dissapointed and tell myself that i came into this institution to get married and now i am going back home as a single woman. I look outside the institution and see Daniel alight from a public van with a bag in his hands, dressed in a pure white tracksuit. He walks up to the veranda to his house then comes back outside and begins mopping his veranda. After that, i realize that round about me are many people around me washing verandas. A woman appears and says that we need to follow instructions and that the instructions are that we should use little water while cleaning the veranda. I look at the veranda close to me and i realize that it is full of water and that i had stepped on it with red mud. i see my footptints on the veranda and i take clean water and pour it over the footmarks. The water camoflages the footprints. i then wake up,
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