I dreamed I was being held in a waiting room at Briarwood (the church I grew up in but no longer attend) to be recognized for something. They were leading others out while a concert played. I didn’t know what I was being recognized for.
I went to the balcony and Georgia (a woman I know who lives in Georgia) came up to me and invited me to a backstage room- VIP access. I went in and it was the control room where they filmed the football games. There was nothing that couldn’t be seen. The tv’s were even curved so you could see angles. There was an aquarium and I was also looking at them. A very strange plastic looking fish swam by. It was white with black spots and had spikes on it and a tiny fish nibbling on a spike. I knew that fish wasn’t good and when I pointed it out to others, it’s tail came into view and had a monster face on it to try to scare me. It turned around and started hurling a spear at me. I avoided it each time, but it kept coming at me. I launched a spear back at it and killed it. No one seemed to even notice. Caroline Elizabeth had been in there and was taught with others. When I went to get her, the teacher handed me the papers of the other students too. I saw Autumn’s (fellow homeschool student) name on it and went to go find her mom because we had never met. I found her and we introduced our kids. I invited her back to the control room and when we got there everything had been cleaned up and put away- no evidence left. Georgia was there and I introduced Cayman- a fellow homeschool mom. Georgia said, “I don’t know if you know, but I teach a yoga class this time on Sundays and need to get ready for it.” It was like she knew I knew she shouldn’t be teaching yoga. I sat with Cayman and asked how long she was in town for. I asked if she had gone to the Georgia Aquarium and told her that it was a must-see. That they would love it. I explained how it was laid out and she could theme it around the states we were learning about. Then I was with another group of people and getting ready to drive back to Birmingham from Atlanta. Don’t remember much of that part.