I remember just part of my dream last night –
I was in an apartment that was new to me and looking around. At one end of the apartment was actually another hidden apartment that was very large and nice. I was kind of excited, hoping that this was also part of my new place. When I peeked in, however, I saw that a family had already moved in. I don’t remember exactly who but the wife reminded me of Michelle who heads up the Prophetic Encounter Ministry with Arise!Women. Their home was roomy, clean and set up with nice furniture. I hoped that I would be able to share in this lovely space since it was hidden in my home.
When I woke up, I found myself calling the hidden part of my home "the secret place."
In reflection, I’ve had a few dreams in the past where I discovered hidden apartments in a home that I just moved into. Most of those apartments were already either occupied by other people or old and in need of updating.