From Autumn 2021. I was in an unknown room upstairs with normal light. Josh (YHWA is salvation) and his real life wife Erin (peace) were sitting across a table from me and my biological mother. Erin didnt look like herself as in it was a totally different looking lady with a toddler on her lap. My mum also looked different but I cant recall how. Neither of them in bad ways. Then Josh was standing beside a window in the room and opened it. I was not right beside him to view out so i felt it was a LISTEN dream not a SEE dream. I sensed alot of traffic noise below but didnt sense chaos in my spirit. Since I didnt see anything I cant say if the traffic was moving, or traffic jammed etc. Then I sensed John Paul Jackson was in the dream and I recall a black crown on top a cupboard. The pieces i dont understand are .... the black crown on a cupboard and why Erin looked completely different. Maybe I thought peace looked different than I imagine. Thanks . Bless the interpreter.
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