The dream was bright. In my dream Me and my husband David are flying through sky in the clouds, actually above the clouds. Almost like in a land made of clouds. It was very cool doing this. We were holding hands while we were flying. The only thing was, I was just alittle afraid. Even while flying and enjoying the flight, I kept looking out into distance, I think I was looking for dark clouds in distant wondering if they were going to turn into funnel clouds. My husband David said no they weren’t funnel clouds. David was not scared. When we were flying I did see a black car up there flying. It was driving in our direction. I did wonder if while we were flying and turning if I would run into this black car. But no we turned and I did not hit the car.
Towards the end of dream I believe I saw alittle station in clouds some people were going in I think. I’m not sure. I’m not sure if it might have been a post office ? Because as I’m remembering the dream I think I got the thought of a mail man? But maybe not. I can’t remember. But We were flying! This was cool! but I’d rather not be flying
Side note: the car that I saw did remind me of my current black car that I have. Except that, that car up there looked more updated. My current car is in the auto shop.
also In reality I am a tad bit afraid of heights, I don’t like riding rides at the fair, I will if I have to, but I don’t like feeling nauseou. my husband likes to ride all of that fast stuff. He rides all of the fast rides there, I would rather just watch him and the kids ride those rides. And I would rather just sit on bench and watch them. also, I have never used the word funnel cloud, so while I was writing my dream down I did find that odd that I used the word funnel cloud. What’s the difference between a funnel cloud and a tornado? Why didn’t I just say tornado?