I was in a large warehouse that had a concrete floor and several rows of folding, metal brown chairs. There was this man (I did not recognize him or see his face) who was teaching a gathering of us (a handful of people) about "macro and micro" something. We were all seated and listening to him teach. There were more chairs than people. The warehouse had shelves and shelves full of large wooden crates and you could not see the top of the shelves for the shelves were very high and the boxes were many.
The meeting was over and all of us dispersed. I walked across the warehouse and opened a brown wooden door that led to a very short hallway in an office building. I turned left down the hallway and walked past a closed door and then walked a few more steps to the end of the hallway which was the next office on the left where the door was standing wide open. I looked in this office and saw my husband sitting at a very large wooden desk that was clean, polished and organized. There was a window behind him with white blinds that were closed but you could see it was daytime behind the blinds and there was light shining around the sides of the blinds. The walls of the office were a bright white and there was also this very beautiful wooden bookshelf that was neatly organized with books. The office was not very big but there was something intriguing about it.
My husband was wearing a crisp, white oxford shirt and blue jeans and he stood up and walked around the desk and held out his right hand (I think it was his right hand but I am not 100% sure) and he said to me "do you like my ring?" I held his hand in mine and counted "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8," and I said to him, "there are eight diamonds on this ring." The ring had the words “YESHUA” engraved on the front of the ring. The ring was very shiny and gold and the diamonds were in clusters. I asked my husband who gave him this ring and he answered, “Shelly.” This person was his boss and I was shocked that she would give him a ring like that because she does not know the Lord. As I walked out of the room and back down the hallway, his boss (Shelly), who he said had given him the ring, came from out of nowhere and was walking down the hall with me. She was wearing brown pants and a white blouse but it did not look like her for she was much thinner and shorter in my dream. I asked her if she had given my husband the ring and she answered yes.