6 December 2020
I was on an airplane with my cell group. It hasn't been very long since we've taken off but we were up in the air. I was eating some kind of food that were shaped like drug pills. This was shared food that some other people were eating. I remember grabbing some red pills, throwing them behind my back towards the other hand and catching them. Someone saw me do it and thought it was cool. Next I was messing around and being stupid offering the person next to me on the right, who was a dark skinned guy, some of the pills as if they were drugs. Him and a lot of other people started laughing because they thought I was funny from the way I was acting when I was offering people the drug food. Some people were offering me high fives and I was giving it to them. During all of this there was news that there was a shooting taking place at the airport we just took off from, but everyone didn't really care too much about it. But after I was done messing around and giving high fives, Oliver Yee was announcing how we need to jump off the plane. We were to get into groups of three and jump together one one parachute. I was already standing up at this point and when I looked towards my right I saw the cabin door was already open and it was night time outside. Covering the doorway was one of those plastic flaps you see in shop entrances to keep flies out or keep the air conditioner in. Above the doorway there was a flashing red light preparing for these emergency jumps. I was feeling a bit of panic and fear thinking I'm going to have to jump out of the plane.