I was talking to my mum on the phone while my cousin Carl, aunty and my dad were talking to each other near me in a public space on the street. I got annoyed with talking to my mum as she was going on something that was not urgent, so I told her I will talk to her later. My cousin Carl from HongKong then walked over to me and handed me $200 before I hung up with my mum on the phone. The money was from his mum, my aunty there and it was for Chinese New Year. I was surprised I got double the amount of the how much I would normally receive. I then greeted my aunty who is back from the US and thanked her for it. After I said to Carl behind a tree nearby about how his mum looked still unhappy and her mental health since she separated from her husband, and Carl said she has been doing better than before. I then began talking to Carl about how I would like to spend more time in Australia than in China these days and I thought Carl would agree, and when we looked at the beach across the road and Carl said he does not like beaches. I also pointed out how the waves are coming onshore a lot closer than before to Carl.
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