I dreamed that I was at my mothers house. She has a living area people gather in (we called that room the living room) and another room we called the den that we never really go in unless we are walking through to her bedroom.
Anyway, we were in the living room. I am assuming it was my immediate family and we were having some type of get together. Then, I got up and went in the den to check on my baby. (in real life, my kids are grown but I knew he was mine) The dream kind of shifted scenes because no one was there anymore and my mom was asleep in her room. This baby was a boy and he stood up and began to laugh. I was overjoyed to the point of happy tears that he laughed for the first time and i wanted to tell someone. But I remembered no one was there but me and the baby and my mom who was asleep. So I stood there holdong him, both laughing and stared at her bedroom door debating on waking her up but didnt. Then, i woke up.
This is the second dream Ive had about a baby being mine and in both dreams, I have felt overwhlming love for these babies. I do believe its likely about a gift or new beginning and not actually having one and I believe they are good dreams because of the intense love I feel in the dreams. What do you think?