(I had three dreams in a row that would continue where they left off from the previous night. It felt like one dream continuing over three nights).The first night there was a crowd of people outside of my pastor’s house, standing on his paved driveway(his house was white and located in the woods in the middle of nowhere) Pastor began preaching from the balcony of his home and people started walking away. I said ” he’s speaking truth, please listen! Dont go!” Everyone left. Second night’s dream :I start walking down the road to find the people who left so I could bring them back. I didn t find them. The road turned from being paved to gravel. Before I got to the road turning to dust I felt called back to the pastor’s house. Third night dream :I was inside the house and the home interior is completely decorated white. (white walls, furniture, everything except wooden kitchen cabinets are white)I was sitting on the foot rest of living room chair and crying. A couple people passed me by (I didn t see their entrance or exit) Pastor came down the hall in front of me, took off his belt, and said ”I m going to take care of this right now”
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