I had this dream last night, it had two parts that were connected.
Went to this beach with my whole family (Mum, Dad, Sister). My family were all looking out over the ocean, looking for dolphins. I looked behind us, and on the beach trapped in a small pool was a tiny baby dolphin. I knew we had to get it back into the ocean as soon as we could, but we couldn’t see its mother anywhere. One of my family (i think it was my mum) thought they saw its mother in the distance, so I released it into the ocean. I then realised that what my family thought was the mother jumping was actually a pirate ship rising from the deep. All of a sudden, there were pirate ships everywhere, including right next to where I could see the baby dolphin swimming. I was worried it would be crushed by the ship, so I jumped into the water near the baby dolphin. When I was in the water looking around underwater, I could immediately see the baby’s mother. She was right underneath her baby, and I even reached out and stroked her back. The baby was fine, because she was leading it around the ships.
After this the dream went into a second part, where we were up on the cliffs at the same beach looking down, and from that point we could see all these creatures in the water, including long-necked turtles as big as boats (big boats).
As we walked along the top of this cliff, we came across some lions. This set of lions seemed docile, so we kept walking, but we were wary of them. We then got to a second set of lions on the other side of a gate we went through that were very aggressive, and I realised very soon we had to get out of there. There was a male lion standing on a rock growling at us, and a lioness coming towards us. The only thing that kept the lioness at bay was a bottle of water I was squirting at her face. While doing this, I was yelling at my dad to go through the gate that was right behind me, but he wouldn’t move, and didn’t seem to realise the danger he was in. I eventually threw the water bottle at him, and went through the gate myself, at which point he used it in the same way I did and got out. On our way back along the cliff we came across the first set of lions again, and they still left us alone, but now seemed more dangerous. I dreamed more after this, but I can’t remember any of it.