I was on a ranch or out in the wilderness somewhere out west because it was very hilly and arid. At this place there were a lot of deer with overly developed antlers, not overly large in height / width but the number of beams and points were way beyond what is typical. As I was walking back I knew where the biggest buck hung out, it was a tucked away in a low spot between some hills, like a small opening in a canyon. As I approached a doe bolted out of there and as I got close I could see that there was an older buck about 10 yards in front of the younger much bigger buck and there was an old west style wooden fence between them and me. As I got closer the old buck got up to leave and then so did the big one. I thought for a second, "wow this is a really great lair for him because no matter which way I try to go around the fence he can go out the other way". So I carefully closed the gap by going whichever way it looked like he was trying to go until we were within a few feet of each other with the fence directly between us. At this point I started to taunt it a little by making low gurgling sounds and it answered back a little. I wasn't out hunting but I wanted it to know that I could come back and take it out if I wanted to. I knew the big buck was dangerous but I thought I could get away with what I was doing. Then the big buck and the old buck (which I thought had left) turned into lions. Then I was the one trying to leave! The old lion had a white mane and they were both big, long and heavily muscled lions (but their bodies were like those of big tigers - however with the normal lion fur). Next I was headed down a narrow path on a steep hill and half way down there was a small white wooden shack about the size of a phone booth. There was a silver colored garden implement shaped like a small hand saw but without the teeth that I grabbed off the outside wall of the shed and I used that to kill the older lion. I felt like the bigger lion was still at the top of the hill and also that it wanted to kill me and that it was going to be hard to escape him and then I woke up.
The dream was in normal color and there weren't any out of place colors other than the one lion with the white mane.
Emotions were pretty steady. Even when things were dicey I wasn't really scared but I was taking things seriously :)