I remember being at work there were employees that I didn’t know I didn’t care for there personality because they showed off to much. It was like they were into magic flying around doing things to try impress other employees. Not being impressed I walked off to close the gate getting ready to go home I walked around the gate to push it closed and looking over to the left I saw a lion sleeping i thought to my self how did I miss this big lion walking up to the gate the lion woke up saw me and jumped at me taking my hands I push him away but knowing the lion was to big for me to fight I climbed the gate to get away when I got to the top of the gate I noticed the lion was right behind me so I jumped over the gate and the lion was on the other side of the gate with me as well he was very quick and smart so I climb back up the gate and climbed over thinking to myself I won’t be able to get away from the lion and the lion is too strong for me to fight. I remember saying to myself I will have to have more wisdom than him I will have to outsmart massive lion face-to-face with him the gate in between us I begin pulling back on the gate to make it slingshot the lion off the gate and give me enough time to run as I’m pulling back on the gate right before I let go to slingshot him off the gate I woke up.
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