My husband was in a hospital bed outside getting tests done and we were supposed to go get the results of a D dimer ourselves because the nurses didn't have time. They were checking him for blood clots and he had a big one in his stomach.
At first, the nurse wasn't really doing anything so we were joking around. I put his pulse thing on my finger and the machine glowed red. Then she came back to check on him and I threw the pulse thing back to him.
Then she walked to her SUV to get something and several red canoes fell off the top. She gathered them all up and put them back and I was thinking, "wow thats alot of canoes for someone to have to load...and they are all red."
But while my husband was laying there we were talking about how nothing I have tried to teach my daughter has stuck with her.
And up the hill we see someone's legs and we were trying to figure out whose they were then we were like "oh those are Beyoncé legs". The rest of her body was hidden behind trees.
Then I'm watching a video on the phone of my daugter talking all about her life plans and she said y'all may not know it yet but I'm gonna have kids one day.
There were trees all around. We were at the bottom of a hill and a house was at the top. Over the the side is where the nurse parked her SUV.
During the dream no emotions stuck out. I wasnt worried about my husband. When I woke up and googled "d-dimer" and learned it was a test for clots I was somewhat concerned. I had no idea in my awake life what a D-dimer was.