I was walking with Alonzo (my husband) then suddenly we were running from some weird guy that I noticed was following us . We were in the old neighborhood where I grew up near my elementary school. Suddenly my husband was gone and I was with my sister she said she was bleeding and then I looked down and I was bleeding I got scared and said “we have to go to the hospital I think I’m miscarrying I shouldn’t have ran” along the way we were walking and I stopped to call my mom and ask her to come get us and then my mom said it would be 17 minutes or so before she could get us so I told her we’d meet her at the house because we were in the neighborhood. I stopped to pray with my sister when suddenly it wasn’t my sister anymore it was a young girl who didn’t believe in Jesus but I asked her if she mind praying and she said no and I told her to repeat after me. I then said “in the name of Jesus we speak life over Alorra (the name picked for my daughter) “ the girl repeated but didn’t say the name Jesus she skipped over His name. I then said “you are king of kings and Lord of Lords” and the girl repeated that part and I can’t remember the rest of the prayer but I ended with “in Jesus name amen” and the girl just said amen. She refused to say Jesus’s name. I next remember walking with the girl and suddenly realizing just how much I had been bleeding I got a little more worried , then I remember being in the car with my mom and giving her directions to the hospital but we never made it to the hospital before I woke up.
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