My friends daughter was at our house and her hair wasn’t as finished as it was in the pictures her mom sent. I Told her if her mom doesn’t finish it by Tuesday I’d do it for her. I Remember trying to part through her hair with the comb and it was coarse and dry so I put it back into a ponytail.
I Walked over to counter (house was similar to mine except counter stretched down wall completely instead of fridge being there and there was a hallway on the other side of the counter instead of the guest room; seemed very dim in the house like all the blinds were closed but very bright when we went outside) which was regular height at first and then dresser height, like up to my neck (I’m 5ft & 0.75in). My middle son walked up to the side of the dresser and was standing and smiling up at me. I Remember touching a belt in the top drawer and smiling and telling him it was the second first day of school and I’m so excited for them (they were finally going to in-person school).
Then I looked over at the security camera and saw Dachshund hounds on the camera. It looked like they were barking and excited at the camera, calling us out to play. So we went out and there was a couple who had the dogs. It was 3 Dachshund hounds and 1 mastiff, they were all brown and all very excited. The lady of the couple had super dark brown skin. There was Another lady a few feet away, directly in front of our house who also had super dark brown skin.
My middle son and daughter, run to back of house and I say to the couple, “they were hoping the dogs would follow so they could play”. The Lady laughs and says “aww we wouldn’t want to scare you” I go back in the house with my oldest son so they could all get their stuff to get on bus because it was 8:58. My oldest son’s feet and socks were wet from running outside and left tracks on the floor (same entry way of my house just much wider) I say “oh well you gotta go the bus will be here in 2 minutes, you have 1 minute to get your shoes on and stuff ready.” Then I Woke up.
Dream started with an overall feeling of excitement and happiness but ended with stress about missing the bus.