Dreamed I was a bee, and there was some terrible train accident that killed a lot of my hive. The swarm was gathering on the train tracks for some sort of ceremony before a train crashed into the crowd and bees/people (bee-ple?) were thrown around. I knew we were all bees, but everyone looked pretty similar to small people with some bee-like features.
I then wandered around with three others and looked for a new spot to build a home. Two of the others were traumatised and in shock (from the accident) and needed a lot of guidance, but both also had special abilities that helped us build the nest. One could scale walls and was smaller than me (looked a bit like the ‘stitch’ character from lilo and stitch.) They had to go to hard to reach places and I promised to catch them if they fall. The other person was much bigger than me and could move around heavy things, but needed encouragement and guidance for their ideas. The third person was a close friend, and helped me with the other two.