My mom and I are in a luxury bus that drives right into a HUGE house (bus enters by the door). The bus drives through a fish-pond in the 2nd lounge and stops. This is where my mom and I get off.
We walk around and look at the house. The house is built almost in the shape of 3 circles that intertwine. Entrance hall is the smaller circle, then the staircase and the Atrium in the 2nd circle is a bit bigger and then the pond and the entrance to the rooms are the biggest of the 3 circles. The entrance hall / first lounge has old dated furniture with an indoor garden on the side.
It is the house of a deceased lady and it is for sale. Mom and I look at it and I realize we can never afford this but mom talks to the staff and she is quite adamant to buy the house. There are 5 staff members sitting on a Victorian couch for golden legs.
Mom and I wander down a hallway and find the staff's restroom with dated furniture and a room-divider.
I want to go back but my mom goes into another room and finds an old lady that looks like she is recovering from something. Mom proceeds to show the lady her operation mark from a hip-replacement.
Mom goes even further and offer all the staff a 10% increase in salary if they will stay with us The house is bright, clean and has a lot of gold and marble. There is a spiral staircase in the 2nd circle with the atrium and the staircase goes to a second floor, but we never go there I was in awe in this dream - so much peace